I’m not a morning person.
Mornings are hard.
Real hard.
And my bed it about the comfiest thing I have ever laid on which I guess makes sense because I spend a third of my day in it…
Regardless of comfort, it can be hard to get out of bed in the morning which is why I have found my morning routine very helpful! Instead of rushing around our home trying to get ready for the office, attempt to style my hair and drink a cup of coffee all at the same time; I got organized and set myself for a calm enjoyable morning.
Morning routines help to set up your day no matter what your goals are. Writing out what you want your morning routine to look like and why can help you achieve just that. When we write our intention we are 1.4x more likely to accomplish it when compared to someone who didn’t write anything down.
“All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
My advice with creating a morning routine is to start small! Choose one healthy habit that you want to add to your routine and just focus on that for the next 4 weeks. Once you’ve solidified it into your morning. Choose another habit and continue on. This allows us to improve our long-term adherence to our morning routines.
I think a big issue that many people struggle with is trying to do too much at the same time. I know I’m definitely guilty of this! But the issue with that is that it becomes overwhelming and we stop and feel like we’ve failed – cue the emotional eating, amirite?

Here are 9-morning habits for you to try on that will improve the rest of your day:
Check-in with your body – this may sound simple but it can really change the outcome of your day. Before you get out of bed, notice how your body feels and ask it what it needs more of today – that may be movement, stillness or even food.
Make your bed – I know I sound like your mother but hear me out! Making your bed can instill a feeling of accomplishment first thing in your day which in turn will motivate you to key going. Plus, who doesn’t love crawling into a freshly made bed at the end of the day!
Move your body – You hopefully just spent 8 restful hours in your bed so moving your body can be just what it needs. Choose a type of movement that you enjoy. That could be stretching, yoga, running, cycling, walking or hitting the gym. It doesn’t matter as much about what it is but just the fact that you did it.
Meditate – I can feel your resistance to this one but it really can improve the rest of your day! I’ve personally tested this and I have to say that my mind is clearer and more focused on days that I spend a few minutes in meditation as opposed to those that I don’t.
Journal – I highly recommend adding in a couple of minutes of self-reflection (plus it pairs well with your meditation). Journaling in the morning can provide clarity, comfort, and the ability to prioritize. It is a way to express whatever is coming across your mind – maybe it was a dream that’s stuck with you or something from the day before you haven’t fully processed. There is no judgement with journaling just allowing yourself to be fully expressed as you need to be.
Sit down at the table and eat your breakfast – How many of you eat breakfast on the go? I used to as well and I even champion myself as a pro-multitasker. But there is something romantic about giving yourself the time and space to sit and fully enjoy your breakfast. This idea of single-tasking and being present in the moment allows you to savour each bite of your meal and actually taste your food. So why not set up your day but starting to eat mindfully at your first meal!
Drink lemon water – The majority of people that I work with don’t drink nearly enough water to be properly hydrated. Which is why I just starting first thing in the morning. Adding a hint of lemon to your water may also boost your digestion, improve the look and feel of your skin, and enhance your immunity.
Put down your phone – I once went 10 full days without my phone and it was freeing. I also realized how often I actually check my phone – mindlessly scrolling social media or checking the weather. I believe holding off checking your phone will dramatically impact your day because once we are bombarded with messages, emails, the news or social media feeds were reacting to the world at large. It can be too stimulating, overwhelming or anxiety-inducing. I suggest not actually checking your phone until after your fully awake and present for the day.
Take a cold shower – I’m working on this one right now and yes it is easier on a +30 degrees Celsius summer day than when the cold chill of winter is threatening at the door. But it has some benefits! It wakes you up which promotes a higher level of alertness. Studies have also shown that it may boost your immune system by increasing levels of white blood cells.
What to do next...
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