Do you mindlessly eat your way through a bag of chips, a pizza, or a pint of ice cream?
Mindlessly eating is easy but, Mindfully Eating takes practice. The Mindful Eating Challenge provides you with actionable, step-by-step mindfulness exercises and strategies to adapt your mindful eating practice. Through Mindful Eating this Challenge will help you to nurture a healthy relationship with food by bringing your full attention to the process of eating.
Do you eat to help manage your emotions? Does it end up making you feel even worse?
For many like you, eating has become an all too easily a strategy for coping with any emotion, including anxiety, boredom, happiness, sadness, stress, and anger.
If that sounds like you, the 30-Day Emotional Eating Challenge may be just the thing that you need. It provides you with day-by-day steps that will help you finally get a handle on your emotional eating.
Do you feel controlled by sugar?
The consumption of refined sugar creates a chemical response to craving even more sugar. The cycle of the constant desire for a dopamine hit is a hard one to break - which is why I created this program! Kick Sugar in 30 will help you understand how sugar is affecting your overall health in body and mind. This 30-day program will guide you in eliminating sugar from your diet so that you can bust your sugar cravings, take control of your health, increase your energy, and appreciate the sweetness of an apple. There's only one question to ask - Are you ready to kick your sugar addiction?
Are you stressed out? And eating to cope?
What if I told you there was another way?STOP Stress Eating guides you through 5 tools that really help to tackle your stress before you even reach for the doughnuts. I'm a firm believer in proactive stress relief, meaning each and every day taking small meaningful actions to manage stress levels.
I've partnered with Jen Reddish, Registered Master Therapeutic Counsellor, to welcome you to explore your relationship with your body in a way that is not often spoken about...
Are you ready to understand how mindful eating can transform your relationship to your body & food? And learn the tools and strategies to create a lasting positive relationship with your body, food, and yourself!
Do you feel out of control around food and all to easily find comfort in food which leads to compulsive overeating...
You've tried restricting your diet further in hopes that it will help you gain a sense of control but it just leads to frustration and a late-night out of control binge. You feel ashamed that you just don't have enough "willpower" and think if only you could somehow find it all your struggles with food would be solved. Imagine no longer obsessing about the calories, fat or carbohydrate content in foods. Imagine feeling balanced and in control around food, instead of feeling controlled by food and fear. Imagine no longer feeling guilt or shame for eating. That is Food Freedom.
When you look in the mirror, how do you feel on a scale of 1 to "Oh.my.GOSH. I am a magnificent being!"
I'm guessing it's not the vision you hoped for. That all-too-familiar self-loathing and judgement begin because you're carrying a few extra pounds and your thighs touch.
What if I told you that is was possible to love yourself FIERCELY? What if instead, every time you looked in the mirror you were met with LOVE, COMPASSION, and CONFIDENCE? Get ready to Love Your Body!