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Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Sep 15, 20212 min read
THIS is the Conversation I'm Having with Clients Right NOW
There is often familiarity among my clients, struggling with similar issues and seeking like-minded goals. The conversation that I seem...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Sep 1, 20212 min read
FOMO of Food?
This is a conversation that I have with clients frequently... It's the fear of missing out (FOMO) from food. Of not being able to enjoy...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Aug 18, 20212 min read
Mindful Eating Made Simple
You may have heard me talk about mindful eating but you've thought "it's too hard" or "I just can't seem to put it into practice." If so,...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Aug 4, 20214 min read
3 Keys to Food Freedom
To me, food freedom is about feeling in control around food, ending emotional eating, and no longer living by ridiculous food rules. It...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Jul 21, 20212 min read
Healthy Eating Made Easy
Healthy eating doesn't have to be complicated... yet we make it so. With nearly 5 years of personally coaching individuals on nutrition...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Jun 23, 20212 min read
25 Self Love Journal Prompts
We often forget to look within. I’m guilty too of getting caught up in the day-to-day of living, that I forget to slow down to reflect on...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
May 12, 20213 min read
The Issue with Calorie Counting
How many times have you started and stopped calorie counting in your life? If you're anything like me... it's probably an infinite amount...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Apr 28, 20212 min read
Eating Intuitively for Weight Loss
Intuitive eating principles may go against everything you’ve heard about weight loss in your adult life, but that’s exactly the point....

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Apr 14, 20213 min read
How to Stop Stressing About Weight
A common conversation that I have with clients is about what their weight means... I know that for so many "diet" is deeply entwined with...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Mar 24, 20212 min read
What is Habitual Eating?
How many times in a day, a week or a month do you find yourself eating out of habit? Sitting down to watch a movie - ooh must have...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Mar 16, 20213 min read
How to Stop Stressing About Food
Having rigid "diet" rules can really affect our mental and emotional health. And in turn lead to more stress eating which was what you...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Jan 20, 20212 min read
How to Satisfy Heart Hunger
Most unbalanced relationships with food are caused by being unaware of heart hunger. No food can ever satisfy that form of hunger. To...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Dec 23, 20206 min read
Eat, Drink & Be Mindful
The Holidays may be filled with mixed emotions but that doesn't mean you have to be on an emotional eating roller coaster. 2020 has been...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Dec 9, 20203 min read
How to Manage Emotional Eating During a Pandemic
This year has been weird. Real weird. BUT, it's also been one that has forced us to really slow down and look at ourselves (which I think...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Dec 2, 20203 min read
Breathwork & Emotional Eating
Are you breathing? I know it seems like a ridiculous question because… of course, you are. But, how often are you aware of your breath....

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Nov 25, 20202 min read
What is Food Freedom?
I believe that everyone has a different relationship with food. But for me to have food freedom means that food is no longer on the...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Nov 4, 20203 min read
How to Stop Eating When You’re Full
I’m pretty sure we’ve all been there. Those moments when you know that you’re full but the food tastes so delicious that it’s hard to...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Oct 28, 20202 min read
3 Ways to Reduce Binge Eating
Have you experienced eating out of control? Binge eating is eating large quantities of food very quickly to the point of being...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Oct 21, 20202 min read
A Letter to Chronic Dieters
Dear Fellow Chronic Dieter, I too was once a chronic dieter like you. I tried diet after diet after diet. For much of my late teens and...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Oct 7, 20202 min read
What is Mindful Eating?
It’s not just about chewing your food for an extremely long time… If we breakdown Mindful Eating into its constituents, we have...

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